Muziekinstrumenten op een tafel
Evaristo Baschenis (1617-1677)
The main object in the painting is the table with the open
drawer, but my focus soon turned to the arrangement of the
instruments on the table. The smaller instruments laying on
the table are overpowered by the cello lying face-down
covering portions of the other instruments bodies. The
painting is asymetrically balanced with more weight on the
left side of the painting where the bulk of the cello is and
the open drawer with a music score cascading out of it.In
terms of hierarchy, the most important element visually is
the cello laying face down on the table. This is the only
instrument whose body is fully shown in detail. The brush
strokes and color of the music sheets give the impression
that they are worn and have proceeded to curl up at the
edges.There is also a good use of lighting to create shadows
underneath the table and near the fruit on top of what
appears to be a guitar. There is tension between the various
instruments because they are placed close together with some
overlapping others. The colors mutually agree with one
another and do not create unnecessary noise, but the colors
of the ribbons are the only items that particularly do not
get lost in the warm tones of the instruments, cases, and
color of the floor. This painting could appear in the halls
of a performing arts school (we had similar ones at CAPA), a
doctor's office or even an ad in a retirement magazine. It
could symbolize how one is leaving their instruments behind
to pursue other extracurricular activities. Bron van deze
98.5 x 147 cm, Museum van Schone kunsten, Antwerpen
Bron foto:
Stilleven met musiekinstrumenten (1650)
(115 x 160 cm) Accademia Carrara, Bergamo. Grappig zoals je
hier alleen de krul van de cello ziet met de eindjes van de
Musici en instrumenten